The 21-day Transformation challenge has helped me in my spiritual growth. I had hit the ceiling and could not figure out where the problem was. I was not looking inside myself. During the first challenge, I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit so strong. I began to confront things that the Holy Spirit highlighted. As Evangelist Jessica Holguin called it, it was difficult to confront my Fucci. But I was determined to give to the Lord in prayer and repentance. I was exhausted and weary because of the unrepented sin in my life (Psalms 32:3).
After two challenges, the Lord began to convict me of selfish ambition, deceit, lying, gossiping, envy, jealousy, demonic wisdom, rage and anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, old mindsets, foolishness, pride, condemnation, trauma and rejection issues. The challenge has taught me to self-check, examine my heart and whatever does not reflect the father, and give it to him, for He is Mighty to Deliver.
-Hellen Wameyo, 2x Participate / Author